Author Guidelines
1. Editors accept writings / manuscripts (scientific works in the field of science relevant to Mechanical Engineering) from the general public. There is no article submission fee "no submission charges"
2. Manuscripts can be in the form of: research results, literature review, comments/criticisms about manuscripts that have been published in the ENOTEK Journal.
3. Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English. Manuscripts contain a maximum of five pages, typed one space with Times New Roman 11. Manuscripts are typed using MS WORD word processor. Manuscripts are written in one column on the title and abstract and two columns from introduction to end. Submission of manuscripts in soft copy form.
4. The systematics of writing are arranged as follows:
- The first part: title, author's name, author's agency name, contact E-mail address and abstract.
- Main sections: introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions.
- Final part: acknowledgments (if necessary) and references
5. he title of the article must be specific and effective. Ideally, it should not exceed 15 words using Indonesian, 12 words using English, so that once read, the meaning can be understood comprehensively.
6. Author's name is written:
- Under the title without a title (academic or indication of position and rank) starting with a capital letter, written symmetrically without an asterisk, and not starting with the word "by"
- If there is more than one author, the names of the authors are written on one line.
- If the writers are from various agencies, then in front of each author and agency are marked "letters" with superscript writing.
7. Abstract (written in Indonesian and English) contains the essence of the problem, state of the art, method of solving it and the results obtained, and contains no more than 200 words, typed in one space with letters measuring 10 points (Times New Roman).
8. Writing Method:
- Foreign words are written in italics.
- The new Alenia starts at the tenth stroke from the left edge. There is no need for additional spaces between paragraphs.
- The beginning of writing chapters and sub-chapters without numbers, writing chapters using capital letters, while sub-chapters only start with capital letters.
- All numbers are written with digits except at the beginning of a sentence. Tables and figures must be clearly captioned, the width of the figure is 78 mm.
- Writing the literature in the contents of the article uses a serial number with the symbol "[library number]", then the writing in the bibliography is sorted according to the serial number.
9. ENOTEK Journal Article Template can be downloaded di sini