cara latihan metode komando, gaya eksplorasi, kecerdasan emosional, keterampilan bermain sepakbolaAbstract
The purpose of this study was to reveal the effect of the command method and exploration method as well as basic skills of playing football. The kind of this study was quasi-experimental study using 2x2 factorial design which done on football player of PSKD Kumun Debai Kota Sungai Penuh. Population of this study was football player of PSKD Kumun Debai Kota Sungai Penuh in totaling 90 people. sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling. This technique was done based on consideration of the researcher. Total sample in this research were 48 people. Inteligence data was measured using a Likert scale questionnaire, and to measure the ability of playing football which consists of four forms of the test were dribling, short passed test, shoting at the goal and ball control, followed by two-lane Avana and followed by tucked test. Analyis research data showed that: (1). There was no significance difference between players who were trained using command method with players who were trained using exploration method. (2). There was significance difference basic skill to play football between players who has high inteligence with players who has low inteligence (3). There was interaction between training method and emotional inteligence to the improvement of basic skill to play football. (4). In high emotional inteligence, commando training method gave biger influence than exploration training method to increase basic skill to play football.(5). in low emotional inteligence, exploration training method gave biger influence than command training method to increase basic skill to play football.
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